Gazebo Kits Are Designed with Users in Mind
You might never have thought about how gazebos get to your property from a website or store. The easy answer is that gazebos come in kits that ship to you just like anything else. The caveat to gazebo kits is that you assemble them yourself once you receive them. If putting an assortment of large gazebo pieces together is more work than you can handle, feel free to hire construction professionals to do it for you. But for the do-it-yourself enthusiasts, here is a basic rundown of what you’ll need to do to assemble your gazebo kit:
- Pour a concrete slab foundation
- Install floor joists in foundation
- Install deck
- Install outside railings
- Install roof rafters
- Install roof
- Install cupola, if present
The process is more involved than this list can detail, but the items here may help you to think about the tools and labor you’ll need to assemble your gazebo kit once you have it. You can order customized gazebo kits now at