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Gazebo Kit Video Assembly Guide

Tools to make the job easy: Screw Gun, Hammer, Grip Tight Clamps, Level, Ladder & 2×4 ( To help hold roof sections up)


Arrange floor sections by matching numbers on the deck and screw or bolt together.

Insert posts in holes to line marked on post even with top of floor boards and screw in baseboards.

Check that deck is level and add missing deck boards.

Attach bottom rails with screws and attach top rails 5” above the post.

Set 1 roof section on post. Do not attach to posts until all 8 sections are screwed or bolted together. Adjust prop up or down to open or close gaps in roof.

Wedge 3/16” shim between rafters & end trim of top rails and fasten w/ finish nails or staples.

Attach ridge caps and keep flush with other shingles 8” exposure. Drill 4 holes in cupola and attach with #10×2 ½” screws.


Please Note: Some Gazebos are sent with different hardware modification packages for Hurricane areas. Disregard instructions that may not apply.

Gazebo Depot
888-243-2410 or 406-441-1552.